Complaints Management Policy

L1 Capital Pty Ltd (“L1 Capital, we or us”) is committed to effective and efficient complaints management and to fair and transparent dealings in the financial marketplace.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organisation, related to its products, services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.
Our complaints management process
We take your feedback seriously and will work proactively to investigate and resolve your complaint. If you have a complaint, please contact us by any of the following methods:
Telephone: +61 3 9286 7000
Post: L1 Capital
Level 45, 101 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
At the time of your complaint, we will collect certain information from you, including:
- Your name;
- Your contact details;
- How you would prefer to be contacted;
- A description of your complaint; and
- How you would like the complaint resolved.
We will acknowledge your complaint, generally within 2 business days and give you the contact details of the person responsible for dealing with your complaint. L1 Capital’s Internal Dispute Resolution (“IDR”) Policy can be provided to you free of charge.
The person responsible for dealing with your complaint will commence their investigation and may require further details from you. Upon completion of their investigation, the person responsible for dealing with your complaint will contact you with an IDR response. This will provide you with information about the final outcome of your complaint at IDR and information about other remedies that may be available to you.
Timeframe for resolving complaints
We endeavour to resolve all complaints as quickly as practicable. Many complaints can be resolved within days or on the spot. We will keep you informed in relation to your dispute and will provide you with an IDR response within thirty calendar days of receiving your complaint.
Contact us
Please contact us using the details above if you have a complaint or any questions about our complaints management process.